Tuesday, May 25, 2010

This Is a Nightmare... a Nightmare

Remember when you were a kid and would accidently break something. Then your mom would sit you down, look you in the eyes and say, "Well, I guess we just can't have nice things." After watching this video I feel like some sort of galactic parental figure needs to sit down all of humanity and tell us that if this is the way we are going to act, we just don't deserve a nice planet. And that they are thinking of giving us another planet way in the back where we won't bother anyone.

Wathing this disaster unfold it is really easy to sit back and say that BP is evil or that the Obama Administration is not doing enough, but there is just so much more going on here. In reality, the reason this under-water oil flow is still going is because no one really knows how to stop it. It's that simple and it is that sad. If anyone knew how to cap the flow, they would done so by now.

This accident occurred because of a number of decisions and failures that occurred over the last couple of decades. Of course, chipping away at the regulations little-by-little of the Engergy Industry over the years is at fault. Of course, BP and Haliburton and Deepstar Six, or whatever their name is, are also to blame. Then of course, we must point out that the greatest share of the blame goes to us . . . the American people.

I've heard a lot of people trying to call out the 'Drill Baby Drill" crowd. (I am more upset at these people because of their stupidity in believing that allowing more oil drilling will have an immediate effect on gas prices at the pump.) These simple minded folks are kind of like major corporations who look only to shortterm solutions to long-term problems. The drill baby crowd want more drilling to keep gas prices low but refuse to even address the longterm problem of replacing fossil fuels to address our energy needs claiming that it will kill jobs.

The real group that upsets me . . . and I guess I am one of them, kind of arep eople who talk about how we need to get off oil, both foreign and domestic, how we need to stop buring coal, not the worst idea in the world, and how we need tear down dams and switch over to all green energies. Well, those things are all well and good, but the actions of the people who say these things don't match their words. We can solve our energy problem, but its time we put our money where our mouths are and most importantly, we must find a way to reduce consumption.

Wow, that got a little preachy. Sorry about that, but that is just what I think. Regardless, they really need to cap that oil flow . . . its just getting scarey out there.

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